Nonsense in the Chaos

#30 Disrupting Complicity

Jolie Rose Season 2 Episode 30

This week, we’re diving into the quiet power of disruption. How do the smallest acts of resistance ripple out into wider change? How can challenging complicity in our everyday lives—our words, our choices, our silences—shift the larger systems we exist within? From the personal to the political, we explore how breaking patterns on the micro level can transform the macro.

Join me as we unravel the ways we’re conditioned to conform, and how we can reclaim agency, one small act of defiance at a time.

The ‘Witchfool are You? Course’ starts in May. Email for more information.

La Beltane Festival is Sat 3rd May -

Kooky Club is Thu 27th -

The music and artwork is by @moxmoxmoxiemox

Nonsense in the Chaos is available on all podcast platforms or you can listen to it here… 

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The music and artwork is by @moxmoxmoxiemox

Nonsense in the Chaos is available on all podcast platforms or you can listen to it here…

I'd love to know what you think! If you want to get in touch with me about anything on the podcast then email or you can follow me on Instagram and Bluesky @kriyaarts or at the Nonsense in the Chaos Page on Facebook.

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Thank you for all your support -x-

The. Welcome to The Nonsense in the Chaos. I'm your host, Jolie Rose. It's Sunday and I had a really active weekend doing lots of things. It was my friend's birthday, celebrating my friend's birthday who. I turned 30 in January and she wasn't on the island, and she's a very good friend. She's the reason why I moved here. Her name's Cara. Shout out to Cara and I. She's very special to me and we wanted to celebrate her birthday. And she's also doing 30 celebrations for her 30 birthday 30 birthday celebrations for her 30th birthday. And this was her 14th celebration. And we went out for a walk together and we went for a swim in the sea, which was fricking freezing. I do normally do winter swimming, but I hadn't been for a while and. It was unbelievably cold, but I was being particularly wimpy because I am about to start my bleed. And so in these days, just before, I'm very sensitive. So I'm blaming it on that and hoping that the next time I get in I'll be okay.'cause I don't want it to put me off. But it was a particularly cold day. It's rattling on. We're having a lot of sunshine, which is nice, but it is rattling on this winter. It's very cold. The temperatures are cold. So we had a lovely swim and then we walked back up through the island and then got ready and went out for dinner, and then went to a casino night at the island hall where we were raising money for. The prescription charity that we have here that covers our prescriptions, which is what Beam Festivals raising money for as well this year. And then we came back to mine for a bit of a party and had a sauna'cause Cara was instrumental in organizing. All of the Beltane crew and my friends building me and dle a sauna for our wedding present, which was wonderful. And it is brilliant. It's really nice to have a sauna, especially'cause we don't have a bath. And so we lit up the sauna and we hung out in the sauna and there's me and. Cara and my friend Ellie, who's gorgeous, sitting in the sauna in our dressing gowns, and then loads of our male friends just rocked up and they're just there like in the hot, in their clothes, knocking over cans of beer and it's just oh, bless you. I love you guys. You are so blokey. It should be funny. It was lovely. We loved them. So they were there and we had a nice time and it was fun. And but I went to bed. About two people were still here, but it didn't go on that late. And then this morning I had a meeting at 10 30 which was really good actually. This has been a really intense week. I'm guessing it has been for most of you, it's the weekend of the eclipse, the lunar eclipse, and yeah, it's not I've been writing articles and stuff about this, and you've probably been. Reading them. If you follow this, follow my podcast may be you follow me on social media. If you don't, then a lot of things tie up, so you might want to do that. But most people I think probably are following me, but I'm on social media as Crea Arts, K-R-I-Y-A-A-R-T-S, that's on Facebook and Instagram, and. I am talking in the articles that I'm writing for the Guernsey Press, which I share on social media about how I don't, I'm not saying that astrology is making the world do all the crazy things that it's doing, but the crazy things that are happening in the world are reflected in the astrology, and this is the most crazy astrology we've had in our lifetime. And it. I think it, I think it no, it will be the craziest ever that we will have in our lifetime. What do I mean by that? Pluto changes sign every 20 years. That's the slowest moving planet. And then we have like the other slow moving planets, like Uranus and Neptune have all changed signs this year. And, like kinda at the beginning of the year. And then we've all had a whole series of retrogrades all happening together. Some of which have been exactly the same time as ones that happened previously. So there's like a direct link back that it's uncanny. So yeah, there's a lot that's happening that's very uncanny. For example, the Venus Retrograde Retrograding in exactly the same place as it did in 2006 or 2017, which was when Donald Trump was first inaugurated. And so it was almost like we got a test run for this time. The things that kicked off, the things that created the fem to stand up against and react to and mobilize, et cetera. This, that was a dummy run and this is the real deal. And yeah, it's just a lot of really interesting things going on. And this eclipse, it changed, the nodes changed sign as well as it being an eclipse, which. Eclipses a chapter changes anyway, but for them to also be changing signs is even more of a significant chapter change.'cause the kind of, the narrative is significantly changing as well. So it's just, it is interesting, whether I, with all these things, I always say it with a pinch of salt, whether it's true or not, it's not relevant to me. It's that. They're all interesting things to reflect upon and give me inspiration and hope and some kind of blueprint to follow.'cause it is all just chaos. And I think if you were just I know from having done it, I spent up until 2020. Completely being anti astrology. Like I was one of those people that was adamant that it just wasn't true. It was, I found it offensive. I thought anyone who believed in it was an idiot. And it was very much without it in my life and I'm I benefit from having it in my life so much that argument to me is like completely dead in the water now. I don't believe it to be true. I find it incredibly useful to follow. That's basically all there is to it, and it's made me more scientifically knowledgeable and more aware of my surroundings, more present. I'm much yeah, more understanding of astronomy. It's just benefited my life hugely to follow it I don't care. Oh, and it's, cultural history, anthropology, like so many things that I gained from it, from knowing the Greek myths and all the things, just feeling my place in the universe much clearer. Even though like insignificance and but also we were talking about rewriting some of the myths. So this is something that I would like to do. This is something I will do actually. It was actually Thomas, who is a chap who's a druid, who comes to my moon ceremonies online. Again, if you are just listening to this podcast and you don't know me, then I also do moon ceremonies online, every dark moon on Full Moon that you will find out about if you're following me on social media and they're free to join. You just follow the link and come and join. And we have a Dr called Thomas who joins us for some of the full, main ceremonies and. He was saying I'm sick of Venus being with Mars. Venus and Mars have been written as this myth of being in love and being together. I think she should bin him off and get together with Mercury. And I was talking about this the other day with Cara and I. She was like, yeah, no, you are totally right. Like back in the day, like the toxic masculine has always been attractive. And it's like I was saying, I worked on this play before that was about toxic masculinity and how we all encourage its existence by laughing at the bad jokes and. Thinking, oh, it, someone's just a lovable rogue when they're cheating on their wife and whatever it is. Like for a long time we have allowed this to happen and it has become less accepted, much more in the UK than here. The Channel Islands we're about 20 years behind. But yeah, it is definitely changing here as well. And in that somehow this myth needs to be rewritten. So I think I. Something I'm gonna do is rewrite the Myth of Venus and Aphrodite and have her get together with Mercury. So I think there's gonna be a little writing project that I'm gonna create, and yeah, I, so all of the stuff that's been happening with the Eclipse it's caused some interesting. Openings to occur in the microcosm of the world that I live in, that I see affecting the macro. Venus and Mercury went retrograde together and Mercury is, like I say, I'm trying to get'em together. So it's nice that they've gone this deep dive into the underworld together. I think that would be part of the basis of the story that I write. And they are used to this journey to the underworld.'cause Mercury is the. Messenger of the gods of, sorry, the messenger of the underworld. He's the messenger of the gods as well. But he also goes to the underworld, and he's one of the only beings that's able to do that. And then Venus, as a nana goes to the underworld to visit her sister. And so they have been on this journey before. They know this journey, but they're doing it together at the same time. They're on retrograde together at the same time. And Mercury. Voices or what's the word? Like a megaphone. It's like acts like a PR or megaphone for any planet that it's alongside. So you had Mars going retrograde through Aries, which are the same sign Aries rules Mars, they're the same masculine. So you had. The beginning of the year and it began just before the start of the year. So basically from Trump's inauguration through to the start of this month Mars was going retrograde through Aries, which was the most negative form of masculinity. Like it going backwards. It's like it's the negative, it's the. It's the, it's just basically how Trump has been behaving in the beginning of the year. Like as just getting into power and doing all the things that he's done and all the threats that he's made and put all his cards on the table and this is what I am, this is what I'm about. And then it met up, Mars met up with Venus and then she's gone retrograde through Aries herself. And with Mars with Mercury. And so it's like she's now responding, but not only is she responding, but she's got an amazing PR support with her who's amplifying, that was the word I was trying to remember earlier. Amplifying what she's going through and what she's experiencing, which is really good. That's great.'cause that means she's being heard and, translated and expressed loudly. And I guess also you could say Mercury is the experts and the intellect and the, I like the nerds who aren't on the same side necessarily.'cause it's happening with the fame, it's happening with the Venus. So yeah, there is an element of like people who just aren't. Don't see the same way as the opposition or the other offer that's out there at the moment. And in my own world, I've experienced this quite clearly with being in the government. There's been a lot of ruckus and a lot of things going on. But we've had a large increase in women. Joined the government. We're actually the highest female representation of any of the governments in the bailiwick, which we're very proud of and we're above average. So that was really cool when we got told that we got told that on International Women's Day, which happened to fall during this female retrograde. So that was also really good timing. Google had removed it from the calendar, but it was there. And yeah, the, we, I feel like we've had a. Interesting shift in dynamic of us calling out bullying and standing up against some stuff that was bubbling that isn't clear cut. I'm not saying anyone's right or wrong in the situation. It's the way that it was being dealt with, and I think the repercussions are not being considered, and there's a lot that's not being considered, and especially how it's making people feel when we're all doing this for free. It's exhausting, it is really exhausting. I'm so tired. So today I've been to this meeting the morning, which was really good because it was, kind of for a separate thing and there was a real mix of views and there was a real mix of all the different camps and stuff that's been going on. And we had a lovely morning together as a Sunday morning, giving up even more of our free time and meeting up on a morning on a Sunday, which I would normally never say hello hello to say yes to. But because I'm not drinking at the moment, like even though I partied till two in the morning and I went to bed, I knew I would be okay to get up'cause I wasn't drinking. And so I, I did it and it was also. Nice to go see this person's house.'cause I'd never been there before and I've always thought it's a lovely looking house and it was a nice house and I did like it. So it was nice to have a bit of a nose and also just to have a slightly social relaxed meeting that wasn't in the official building. And yeah, it just felt good. It's such an interesting thing to be doing, being in the government. I feel more. I just feel like I'm on the front line of something. It's the micro and the macro and that's what feels good. And that's what I would like to try and keep getting across to you, my dear listener, is that work with what's directly in front of you and see the frac fullness of things. So I can't reach Trump, but Trump's tendrils. Exists here where I am. So there are people who definitely, if Trump and his allies and his foot soldiers were to come and occupy the tunnel islands again and turn up, I say again, I mean it was the Nazis before, but if that was to suddenly come to our front door and a similar situation was to arise, there are people here who I already know would be the ones that would be like, here you are welcome and these are the people you need to remove because they'll be. Trouble. And I'm one of them. I'm one of those people that would be on that list. And I, something that I've been saying for years on Facebook, if you're not on a list yet, then you haven't been, trying hard enough. And I don't, I literally feel like I've been preparing for this my whole life. I, from the day I was born, I felt like there was a. Trouble brewing, a storm coming, and I felt like the nineties were really vacuous. The dance music scene was awesome and I'm so glad that I got to be part of that, and I really appreciate, in hindsight, how wonderful it was to be part of the last kind of proper scene. So that was awesome. But I also could tell through the nineties and the early noughties how. Much of a lie. We were living and there was a moment when I was at Secret Garden party watching everyone prancing around, dressed as unicorns and like having the most wonderful time, but like rubbish everywhere. The onesies they were wearing had come from some sweat shop in China. Just everything about it was like, and it was like mobile phones had just really become big and I knew they were made of precious metals that were mined in certain ways, and I just looked out across the scene of everyone. I, it just felt like everyone was winking and no one was watching. That's what it felt like. I was like, we are all just masturbating, being the lead role in our own film and no one is stopping and taking any notice or, admitting to what is really going on here, which with, which is we are completely taking advantage of the planet and of people and it's that Lisa Simpson esque voice and all of that stuff. Just like we need to hear something about, no one wants to hear it. And I knew threw up. I just got this wave of complete distaste of everything. And was I vividly remember nearly being sick from just, yeah. Being appalled at how much we were just ignoring everything. And yes, this, obviously this whole situation sucks and it was inevitable and it's the required next step for us to move forwards. We don't know how big a mess we're gonna make. We don't know what. What's gonna happen? It won't be as bad as we're imagining. It can't be. It won't ever be. We always imagine the absolute, I don't think anyone was imagining the Holocaust was happening. That was, it is amazing what we are able to come up with, but. But there were people living just down the road who were having quite normal everyday lives. So whatever is that happens, something is gonna happen and we are gonna be either in amongst it or we won't be. And probably, unfortunately, I. And this is the privilege thing that I was talking about on my last podcast, was that we are at the top of that pill pyramid. Like someone,'cause this is true. I've thought about this as well of our partners possibly, and also now because of equality. Women as well might all get forced to enlist. We might all be forced to fight in World War ii, which looks like it has basically begun. And someone said that to me the other day which I had also thought about and I spoke about it with diz. I was like, you are 25, you're definitely gonna get called up if there was a, an enlisting situation happening. But when my friend said it to me, I, it was something I'd considered briefly already was like, actually. Probably us white Westerners at the much higher up this gold pyramid than you think you are. Wars aren't fought with people on foot anymore. It's drones. It's, there could be someone in a cottage here on this island bombing somewhere in the Ukraine for all we know, like it's people sitting on computers. It possibly I don't wanna put ideas out there into the world, but it would make sense to do that as well because the more you have people like, not in obvious places where it's good to bomb them and then you just take them all out. If it is just like random self-employed, outsourced people just sitting in their rooms doing the bombing through a computer. Like we honestly. I have no idea how this is gonna pan out, but probably the enlisting and things like that happened of old isn't gonna happen to us probably. But the other thing that we do have, which we never had before, is that all of the powers that be know everything about us. I remember something, I did a bunch of work called, double blink. It was with my friend Fran. We set up what was going to be a theater company. It was just before, oh, what was his name? It was the Whistleblower, not Bradley Manning. I've forgotten his name. It might come to me. But he was the one that did the whistleblowing about Fisher King which was the spyware that was being used to. Listen through the computer and record your audio and film, which is why I know that doesn't happen. Yes, we have Alexa and stuff in our houses and Google and things like that, but in theory the Arab uprising happened because it was proven that the Egyptian government were spying on their everyday people through their computers using this technology. And my ex-partner was a tech wizard and he was able to see if there was like a program that you ran to see if the internet was doing stuff behind the scenes. And it was when we first got the Google thing house thing, and. It wasn't, so it wasn't listening unless we were saying, okay, Google, and then it would wake up. So we were able to check that. And I did work with Privacy In, in Privacy International and a bunch of other organizations working on this theater project where, so we, this had all, yeah, so the Fisher King thing was because this guy doing the whistle blowing, which was brilliant. It was great that he did it, but it meant that our theater project never went anywhere because. What we were trying to say to people was, you are giving all your information away and it means that everyone knows all this stuff about you, which we are all okay with now. We know that now, but at the time, this was like, I dunno, when it was 2015 maybe something around that time, people weren't quite thinking about it and then all this stuff came out and then it made people. Wise up a little bit, although it hasn't really changed anything. And one of the things that was in the mix is we interviewed the guy who stopped identity cards going through in the uk. And like I, they seemed quite innocuous. They used'em in France. I wasn't quite sure what the problem was. But he was saying that the more you give centralized government or forces or anyone like. Facebook or whatever. The more you give them your data, the more they know about you, the more they can control you, the more in danger you are. And he was saying that in Amsterdam during the Second World War, the Nazis were able to pull out and kill, systematically kill anyone who was gay. Anyone who was a, an expert, an intellectual, and anyone who, it was Jewish or disabled or anything else that they wanted to get rid of. They were able to do it quicker in Amsterdam than anywhere else because Amsterdam had just done a really thorough census. Literally had just been finished. It was a piece of work that they'd just done. And so the Nazis turned up, and this is pre any of the stuff we have now where we've shared everything online and they just rocks up and are like, we literally know where all of these people live. Pick them all up in one night, took them all away. What people have always said, and this is what people were saying at the time when we were working on this theater company, was, it doesn't matter what I'm sharing because I've got nothing to hide. Yeah, great. That's absolutely, I'm one of you. I, that's what I've been doing my whole life and now a fence has gone up. It is already up. Psychologically a fence has gone up that I'm the wrong side of. There's a side of the fence that Trump supporters are on, and they are not all people that I think were on that side of the fence for the reasons that a negative, I think a lot of it was because of feeling unheard or, yeah, just wanting to stick it to the man, and like feeling like he's a better option and believing the stories and the PR and or getting targeted ads and stuff being sent to them through Facebook and have, thought that felt more inspiring. Which is what happened in, Nazi Germany. So there would've been people that if you'd said to them, would you be up for concentration camps? Would've said absolutely no way. But they were buying into the singing and the national pride and that the environment created that. Situation happening. They'd been oppressed for ages after the first World War, the economy, there was many factors that led to that happening as it has been with Trump happening. It was that for a long time we've known that governments have been corrupt, that they're saying one thing and doing another. There's, they're dishonorable. It's like there's, it's businesses. It's, they don't care about the common man. They care about money, profit over people. It's been a continuous thing that's just been like, there's nothing inspiring or genuine or higher conscious about it. It's all really just icky, duh everything about it is the lowest. The lowest. It's a race to the bottom basically. And we are using up all the resources we could be so amazing. That's what's so frustrating about it. We have the knowledge and understanding that is with what we know now, we could be doing such incredible things and all living lovely lives without any of this.'cause even if you are one of the rich people with your yacht and doing whatever the freaking hell you want. There isn't, I just don't see how you could be having the same amount of pleasure from that knowing. It's in oth, it's at other people's expense. Unless there's something psychologically wrong with you. There's an undertone to all of it where you know that you are hurting someone and something you are hurting the planet, and so I just think you could be having that level of pleasure and ease and comfort and loveliness. And being like high fiving yourself for being amazing and ev and everyone, because wow, look what we are doing. The, you are going along in new yacht and there's dolphins chasing along with you, and there's loads of fish and the sea's clean and it doesn't matter where you go. Everything's lovely and everyone's happy, just. If you're in a country, I always think that you can tell how well the country's running itself by the by its poorest. So if there's no homeless people there and the streets are clean and everything's, everyone's healthy and happy, then you're doing a great job. If you're walking through the city of London being a high class businessman who's got loads of money and you're doing really well, but you're just walking past tents and homeless people, that's still on. You are still having to experience that even if you are managing to avoid it as much as you possibly can. You're still aware of it and your daughter might be Aisa Simpson character, and you've gotta try and explain to her why things are the mess they're in. And I just think I don't know. I just think it's a shame that they're, I. Behaving in this way. I've lost my train of thought. Oh, it was Edward Snowden. Yeah, Edward Snowden whistle blowed on all of it. And yeah, we are giving away all this information and I then found myself on the wrong side of the fence because this fence has metaphorically gone up now and at the moment it's just a psychological one. And, okay, but the, a line's been drawn in the sand, and I'm the wrong side of it because I'm woke. I'm the wrong side of it because I'm bisexual. I'm a witch. I'm a feminist, and I'm outspoken. I've talks in the press and publicly about the way that I see things, and yeah. When, as, when, if. People get rounded up at any point who they think might be a threat or a problem because they're gonna speak out against what's going on in the world, then I would be one of the people that they would take out. And if I'm not, then I haven't tried hard enough. But that does mean that I'm now the wrong side of the fence and I haven't done anything, yeah, I've got nothing to hide. I haven't done anything. Correct. No. Until someone draws a line in the sand and you're the wrong side of it. And then. And then all of the stuff that you've shared and you've done and you've put out in the world actually endangers you. And I'd already done all of that. I can't go back on it. And also I don't want to. So yeah, that's the issue with the whole situation. Now I know I'm preaching to the converted here. If you're listening to this podcast, you think like this yourself already. Anyway, you've probably been lucky and, not put too much stuff out there and it could possibly just keep your head down and get away with it, but at some point you are complicit. And that's the thing that's been happening for me in the local government and. The whole situation is I got accused of being woke in one of the emails today. Not today, it was this week. I didn't mind. It's the whole situation's funny, but it's also a bit of a, like I say, it's the macro and the micro. It is a, this is what's happening, and what was just a stupid cultural slur is now a bit more, threatening and dangerous because the person who said this would 100% shut me in front of the fascists when they turn up on my door. I wrote a response to it. I didn't send it, but I'm gonna read it to you'cause it made me really happy. I, I didn't send this because it's not worth it. I might send it. This is what I mean about being complete, complicit. I have been speaking out more in terms of. Standing up for things and it is scary'cause as soon as you do, you then get directed at, suddenly you are on, you're in the firing line. So it is scary, but yeah. Just for a little thing, if anyone calls, you woke, I just think this is useful. I spent a lot of time thinking about this. If by woke you mean basic decency, fairness, and an expectation that public servants behave with integrity, then I'm afraid it might be harder to eradicate than you'd like. Unlike cars, which we don't have on the island. Treating people with respect doesn't damage the environment or run over anyone's civil liberties. I trust we can agree that sark's political discussion should be rooted in reason debate rather than tired cultural war cliches that at least would be worth preserving. And it is the thing, it's like woke just this like silly whatever that people have been using for a little while. And then one day the sand, the line is drawn in the sand and you're the wrong side of it. Because you're woke and that actually is a threat to your life. And I, that's how I feel now. I feel my life is threatened. I dunno how far they would take it or what they're gonna do, but we've seen what's happened in the past and yeah. That's that's fun. I don't want to depress you, but I also want you to get real about what's going on. I think we all need to, and that's why I'm saying if you don't say. If you wanna hide. I get it. I tell you what though, if you are someone who hasn't put your neck on the line and hasn't put yourself in a dangerous situation, your battle plan might be something I would possibly suggest is considering how you might be able to help by hiding people or would you have an Anne Frank in your attic kind of thing. And if you're someone that's like. Wouldn't be suspected that you are readying yourself or preparing yourself mentally for the fact that you might be someone who would be willing to do that. And if there are people and places in your community in that way, there are people that you are like, actually those people would be in danger, or those people would be under threat just. That sort of thing's worth considering and thinking about. But yeah, I think we all need to start considering where we're at. So if you haven't spread all your stuff all over the internet, then you could be an asset in that way. If you have and it's too late and like me and you already have done it and you've done it ages ago, then. I think you use whatever platforms you've got to continue being as noisy as you possibly can be and just put on your big girl pants and go to war. But I don't think we can stand by and do nothing. You can if you want, but in 50 years time you are gonna be trying to explain to your grandchildren what you did and what your position was in all this. So that's just something to consider. So I'm going to pull a room. If you enjoy my podcast, then please consider supporting it on Patreon, which is Rose. It is just a few pounds each month for you to be able to support the work that I do. And it will be something that I'll be extremely grateful for receiving, and it enables me to not only create the podcast for free, but also do moon ceremonies and video blogs and other offerings that everyone can just enjoy and those who can afford to are supporting to happen so that everyone is able to get this free content. It is a generous, kind way of supporting an artist to put work out into the world. And it's the way that I've found most accessible from a tiny little island in the middle of nowhere. Although it does very much rely on the internet and starlink, which is really annoying and other such things. But whilst these possibilities are still in front of us to be able to do this work, then I am going to make the most of it. And there's some other offerings that are there for people. If you are interested in taking part, so we have the Beltane weekend coming up on the 3rd of May. It's coming up really quickly and it's a bit terrifying, but it's also all in hand. It's gonna be amazing. We have such a wonderful weekend where we burn a wickerman. We have maple dancing, we have Morris dancing, and we celebrate. The beauty of this island in May covered in blue bells and just the magic of Beltane. It's just the most beautiful time of the year, and Sark is at her most beautiful. And in the evening we have bands. We've got a great lineup. It's gonna be really good fun. So do come along to sar. It's, I highly recommend it. It's just beautiful day and quite an exceptional festival. I'm really proud of it. And, I don't think you'll get to go to anything quite like it anywhere else. So do come and join us. And then the, which fool are you course is going to be starting up at the end of May, and this is a month long online course where I support participants to discover what their archetype is. And the gods, the deities, the characters from films and books and like the whole lineage that you are part of. And so that you can stand in amongst it and feel ownership of it and feel really grounded in who you are and what you are bringing to the party and bringing to the table. And I, it's the most powerful work that I do, and it's part of how I am the way I am. It gives me a strength and a power that. I didn't possess before I started doing this work, and I can see how it keeps deepening. Each year I go back to it and do it. I do the course with the participants and each time it's a deep dive and I am. I'm never gonna get bored of doing it, and I'm never gonna not reap rewards from doing it. I highly recommend doing this work and you can find out more by getting in touch with me and I'll be putting stuff out on my social media. So like I say, career arts, KRI, why A-A-R-T-S. If you follow me on there, reach out and message to me if you are interested. This is The Witch Fool You course, and that will be starting the end of May. And also the Kooky Club, which is on the 27th of March. If you are in Guernsey and wanna come along to this, I think it's nearly sold out and it's gonna be a really good one. So get on it quick. If you wanna get tickets to that. We have lovely, beautiful food. A secret venue, a secret chef, and a secret guest each time. But this one's gonna be a Corker, so definitely come and enjoy the evening if you are a local. But yeah, otherwise on with a show. I have pulled Interesting. So I've just pulled answers, which is, it's thero of Odin. It's thero of. So it's the God and consciousness. it's it's Odin's room now. Odin is the God who found the rings. I think I've possibly already talked about this in a podcast, but he. Was a man. Odin was a man who did a shamanic ritual to become a shaman, which is to have a near death experience. And he put a spear through his nipples and he hung from the tree of life. He hung from a tree and nearly died like basically died. And the tree became the tree of life. And he. Looked down into the roots of the tree and he saw the ruins and he bent down and scooped them up. He reached down, scooped them up and brought them back. When he came back and he came back as a God, and I don't remember how one of his eyes became the world, but one of his eyes became the world and the raven and. The wolf are his animals. So he became this God and this is his ruin. So this is the ruin of communication and it's the ruin of God. And what it means to me is that the outer world is a sign language for your inner world. So this is what I'm talking about with the fractal. Of what I was just saying. So no, I can't reach Trump, but his tendrils reached down to me. So there is specific people, like the person that I wrote that email response back to, who is a tendril of Trump. Like he wouldn't you speak to him, you wouldn't necessarily, and that's what's also useful and important is yes, he's a tender. Of Trump, but he's not also a caricature and he's not two dimensional. He might, if you talk to him, be anti-Trump. I have no idea. But there is an archetypal energy or a replication of tactics and emotional response triggering whatever it is. Like he's creating a similar hullabaloo, in a similar way. And so even if you actually asked him what his feelings were, he might say something completely different that he's definitely getting inspiration from the bigger picture. I. And no, I can't reach Trump, but I can reach this person and it doesn't mean so I've always, with fooling, we talk about the bad fairy. There's always a bad fairy, and if you get rid of that bad fairy, then someone else becomes a bad fairy. And I've actually always really defended this person because they're really good, bad fairy. Because they don't mind being, it. They literally do not care. They've been disliked for a long time for different reasons, and they just don't care. And I've always said yes, this is really annoying. It's an annoying situation. But if they were gone, then someone else would take their place out of the people who are already here, they'll always be a bad fairy. So someone who's already here will suddenly become the bad fairy. And at the moment, they're someone that we're able to work with because in comparison, they're much more easygoing and, conducive than the current bad fairy. So I've never been like eager to push the person out. And they do some useful things. They do call themselves a whistleblower and they're all like trying to out things and stuff like that. And that's important. I think we should have rigorous scrutiny and all that kind of thing, but. I also think that there is bullying going on, and I do think that some of the stuff that's happening is just out of spite and is just, and isn't uncovering some great whatever. It's literally like personality clashes. And then that's where it gets to the point where you're like, okay, actually we can't just keep being quiet because what we are doing is we are then being complicit in the bullying and. It is not easy, and we are, there's a bunch of us who are women and we are all in this situation. And it's it's not easy to stand up against things that feel uncomfortable. None of us like conflict. No one likes conflict. Some people do. That's the point. This person does. And some people relish it and love it and are really good at taking up a lot of time and space when we're all just trying to get on with things, and we're doing things for free. This is the thing to look at in your life. Where is someone sapping your energy? Where is someone just taking playing that kind of role? Who's playing that kind of role in your world, in front of you that is part of the Trump tendre? And then how can you so all of the energy, all of the, oh, I'd love to say this or do this. To the bigger picture, put it through the thing that's happening in front of you. There will be some element of it in front of you, and there's lots of things to look at and explore. I've been looking at narcissism quite a lot, for example, and narcissism is something that has come up a lot in my life. It's really prickly. It's a real shadow thing. It's a volcano thing for me because I had. A lot of interventions done on me by my previous partner trying to get me to see that I was a narcissist. And it was horrible because I took it on and I, went there with it. I was like, oh God, maybe I am. And looked into it and explored it and I didn't do it that thoroughly when we were together. For different, but mainly'cause I was right in the thick of a really, toxic situation. And so I was just listening to everything through them, like they were the wisdom. And then more recently I've been looking into it more and realized how much they were, it was a projection thing and it was a control thing, and it was a way of trying to yeah, it was a way of controlling me. It was a absolute projection and that's been really difficult. And so there might be people in front of you who are narcissistic. Who are Limelight Steelers who are bullies, and you might be taking things on. You're taking it on and you're blaming yourself and all of that. And it's easier to do that than it is to, and it's not about being defensive, but it's about forming arguments standing up and. It is about not being complicit. So when situations are arising where you can see someone's bullying and you can see someone's being narcissistic, or you can see these things are happening, that you are able to stand up against it and say, no. And it's really hard, but that's your part in the bigger picture. So that's what this room's been coming up a lot lately and that's what this room means. It's like, how can you go do the research, look into it, find out what needs to be found out, and when you come back with your argument, you are well informed. Don't just keep being like. Oh, this thing really bothers me. I don't have the language for it. I dunno what I'm talking about. I don't have the knowledge for it. And continue doing that. Go and research it. For example, me looking up the narcissist thing. So if you wanna know anything about that Dr. Romani Dura Ula she has a podcast on narcissism. If you actually just put narcissist into Spotify for example, then it comes up, she comes up as like the, she's the leading world expert on narcissism, and I've been listening to her podcast and they're really, it's just been a relief. So I have got a narcissistic. Personality like I was as a child and as a baby, I was born with the narcissistic traits. But what happens is if you are so like an, a noisy, needy baby, which also is A-D-A-D-H-D nurse I think there's a, I dunno I dunno if I haven't found any podcasts that she's done on A DHD yet, but I'm like, that also is a DHD tendencies being emotional and bit needy. Like I was a noisy, needy baby. But what she's saying is, if you then, as that baby don't get the love and the that feeling of like it's being oh, what's the word? When you are. Ah, when you are left alone, oh God, my brain, I'm always thinking I'm really tired at the moment and my period's about to start. My, my godson's going through it at the moment, bless him. He's really freaks out whenever his mum isn't cuddling him eyes. It is right on the tip of my tongue, but I can't, so yeah, basically when if you are feeling like you only get attention through negative reinforcement, then that's what will send you off onto a narcissistic. Path and it, I had the most loving, all focused, absolutely spot on childhood I could have had. So I think if I'd been brought up in a, a less loving space and a less giving space. I would've naturally had the tendency to have become a narcissistic person. But because I was given all the love in the world and I've been given that strong foundation and was around nonstop empathy and kindness and that was my model, that was the modeling that I grew up with. That's what I learned. And yes, I am A DHD and I am an extrovert and I am a my brain just can't do words today, exhibitionist. I am all of those things, but it's channeled into being like a. Strong woman and like supporting other women to be strong, supporting anyone, male, female. It doesn't matter who you are, what you are. I want to live in a world surrounded by empowered, wonderful people. So it's not like I'm trying to be better than everyone else. I'm trying to help everyone else elevate too, so that we get to live in an incredible world together where we are creating the best possible version of the world we can by being the best possible versions of ourselves that we can and working together to then. Put that into the world as well. We could be doing such amazing things. And I definitely am saying that as we, I want us to do it together. Like I, there is no I see no excitement or benefit from being better than anyone else. And Yeah. Or being right or anything like that. it's important for us to do our research that we know. What we're talking about so that when we are being faced with people like making accusations at us or we see how they're treating other people, that we are able to have well-informed arguments as to why what they're doing is wrong or the, to. And also no tools for approaching. And how to manage these kind of people and the situations that they create. So that's really good. And another one, a podcast that I'd recommend listening to is Blind Boys Latest podcast. Why Everything feels so chaotic at the moment, talking about neoliberalism, which is a brilliant. In depth breakdown of this pyramid that I was talking about. I would also highly recommend the rap news video that I suggested you go watch last in my last one. It's, that's it in a nutshell. In a song in a three, four minute. Video brilliant, but also to go into further depth for understanding and forming argument and just information being informed. Being well informed is The Blind Boy Podcast that it's his most recent one. Just go listen to that. He's just brilliant. In general, I would recommend just listening to his podcast on the whole, but this is the Mercury thing, so this is the storyline that I'm talking about and is what this room means is. We need to start because they're putting out fake news and they're putting out misinformation and they're trying to confuse us all. It is time to really get your ducks in a row. There's some documentaries that were really good as well, where he's like a hot knife through butter when it comes to misinformation, and he explains how it's actually a known tool, adam Curtis, that's it. That's his name. Adam Curtis. His documentary Hypernormalization. It was made in 2016, so it's even a bit dated now. But my goodness, anything by Adam Curtis watch.'cause that just it is such a clarity to hear, it's oh, that's what's going on. Oh, that's why that is done like that. And yeah, I seriously go and watch anything by Adam Curtis. Really good. There are just these people that it's go listen to them, absorb what they're saying and make notes and do you form an argument? Like the woke thing, I spent time thinking about that. It's like, how can I respond to this thoughtfully? And now I'm not nec, I'm not gonna send that, but it means that I have that in my artillery now that I have the vocabulary and, can come back quickly with, a response if someone calls me woke or uses that in a derogatory way towards me. I think we just need to start doing this. We need to start having, and so it's anything that's come up for you, whatever's in your reality.'cause that's what this room means, is your outer world is a sign language for your inner world. So we have different things that are themes for us. So for me, narcissism is a theme that runs in my life and my world. And to be able to know about it and understand it so that I can talk about it. And keep an eye out for it and know when it's being manipulated. Like when someone who is narcisstic narcissistic is manipulating me and doing, working their magic on me. Plus yeah the woke thing just because I'm in this situation in government, I know that. I can just see how it mirrors what's happening in the bigger picture. So keep looking at your outer world and look for things that are part of the bigger picture that are opportunities for you to fight all the way up that line via the tiny little tendril that's reaching your little outcrop. For me, I'm literally a little rocky outcrop in the middle of nowhere, and yet that tendril is reaching all the way to me, and there are devices and tactics being used that can be seen on the. World stage that are affecting me down here. And it's okay, but I can react to that and send my shockwaves back up. And that's what's really exciting and really inspiring because then you do feel like you have the means to reach, it's like with the right end tree root, the tiniest little tree root at the end of the whole network. And yet I can send a. Reaction all the way up to the top of that tree. And that's really cool. We can, so that's what you're looking for is the opportunities to do that. But also there's your own, there's your own Trump within you, there's your own thing within you that needs dealing with and working with as well. And so that's like more the narcissist thing and stuff like that is, is looking for when I am being a dick and when I am being thoughtless or, it was funny'cause a Capricorn thing came up the other day and it said. Something about cutting or hurting people by being stingy with your time or something like that. I can't remember the exact wording, but that's exactly what I'm like, and I don't mean to do it, but that would, I would say is like a slightly narcissistic thing. But then it's interesting'cause it's also a very Capricorn thing and that's what I'm always interested in is it's that's also a bit a DHD that's also about being a powerful woman that's also being very Capricorn that like. I always do too much like my FA failure as a human and the way I fuck up when the plate stop spinning and they fall off and they smash. It's always because I'm doing too much and it means that like the government will be annoyed that I don't respond to emails quickly. But then my friends and family will be annoyed that I'm always on my phone and I'm not being present. And my work will be annoyed because I'm trying to do things on my phone and I'm not being present. And some of those things on my phone will be trying to answer the government emails and some of it be trying to respond to friends' emails and messages and texts and stuff. And trying to organize a social thing whilst at the same time. And I often, my social things will be bottom of the order of priority. Because then my it's a bit like a busman's holiday, like doctors smoke and eat unhealthy food. I'm really disorganized in my everyday life because I do loads of organizing and loads of stuff in my professional life that when it comes to my everyday life, I'm just like, blah. But then that means I let people down and I double book or yeah. When I start double booking and things like that go wrong. It knows that. It means I know I'm getting overwhelmed and because I am A DHD and a bit, slightly neurodivergent in whatever ways I am, I just get really overwhelmed and I can't I go into kind of fright mode and I have, yeah, I shut down basically. So I need to manage that so I don't get to that place. And the problem is things always start at the same time, which is exactly where I'm at now with, this creation, hibernation, process of it now being where are we? What are we coming? Halfway through March. It's terrifying. Got six weeks left till Beltane. BoomTown. So BoomTown, Beltane, Glastonbury, the pilgrimage. My book. All of these things need doing now. I need to write a funding bid now. Like all of the things need doing now at the same time for all the things that happen throughout the year. And they're all now. And what I wanna do is just be hiding and chilling and being slow and groggy for winter. I need to get fit now. I need to be out there getting exercise as well. It's just ridiculous. And at the same time, I want to be. Having this time with my partner and chilling out because this is the time we have in the summer. It's just busy. We have less time for each other. It's there isn't a million of me. And it's, you have to give yourself a bit of space. Yeah, today I'm very tired and I'm gonna come on my bleed in the next two days. And today was a bit of a red tent day. I did just have a two and a half hour nap after a nice roast that was cooked by my Sark family, which was lovely. So he is been lovely and yeah, all is well. But, and I don't, I hope I don't want to scare you about things, but I also, this is the most significant thing that has happened in my lifetime. What's going on now, and, I just think like we had ample time for self-development and naval gazing and living a lovely, luxurious life where we got to do whatever we wanted and my happiness was measured by having Airbnbs booked and I could just buy things whenever I felt like it and consume and throw cast away and not really think about it. And now it's payment time. it's fair enough, really, isn't it? I think and let's do better, let, we've gotta get through this. Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen and to just, like I say, put on a big girl and boy pants and face it. Whatever it is that it is whatever's gonna happen and it won't be as bad as we're imagining. And in other ways it will be worse. And we are. Mainly gonna all come out the other end and we will then create a better world. And let's start thinking about that. Let's start dreaming that into an existence. What are we going to create? What is it that we want to do better? And to get informed and to get inspired and look up. At, just look things up. Just get as educated as you can.'cause also, we don't know how long we've got all of this at our fingertips. They might at some point just delete Wikipedia and. Shut down YouTube or we don't know what's gonna happen. So I just think you should get on it as quickly as you can. Like I'm buying Anne Frank's books and just things that are like, oh, where could I get some inspiration for how to deal with these situations if you're in them? And,'cause I was flicking through Anne Frank the other day, and it was looking at how they had to do their own dentistry in the attic.'cause it had been long enough for them to need to stop doing their teeth, doing stuff to their teeth and how horrible it sounded. And I was like. Fuck, I've been putting off going to the dentist for ages'cause I haven't got the money to go, but I need to just go and get that done while I can. Things like that. We just need to start thinking and getting our houses in order. Do put some food and water aside and it all might seem like madness, but I also think the longer you just go along with your fingers and ears pretending that this isn't happening, that is another form of madness and we need to. We need to get into action. So get informed. Get prepared. And I also feel like it's a way of keeping sane as well because it's giving you a direction and purpose. And we will get through this and we will cut'em out the other end better for it. So trust that all is happening as it should, and this is the route through to making. This world a better place. It's what happened after the Second World War. And we'll just keep evolving and we're gonna, we're gonna evolve out of this. So let's look for the prize. Keep your eye on the prize, which is a better, more beautiful, more compassionate, more loving and passionate world. And extraordinary world. Which brings me onto the Chaos Crusade, I think for the Chaos Crusade this week. I would like you to write an email to a person who stresses you out or bothers you. Whoever it is, it could be Trump himself, it could be you, Musk. It could be your boss, it could be anyone. But to do a really thorough researched email, you could do an emotional one. First of all, that's something you could do. But to then, write that one and that could be another one. You close that. Don't put the address on it'cause it's Mercury retrograde. So whatever you do not, maybe just write it on as a document on the computer rather than in your email. And, or if you do it in email, definitely don't put the address on it because the mercury retrograde situation means that you are possibly gonna send it. So don't do that. But, think about an argument or a person that is annoying you or a situation that does bother you and go and do your research and get the ammo you need to be able to discuss that thing in the future. Don't just keep letting these things slide. We're always a bit too busy to do these things and they can just. Trickle along for years. Like I hadn't looked into this narcissist stuff properly until this week. And it was, yeah, because of something else that had come up that from an ex-boyfriend who I had that was a narcissist and I had been thinking about them again lately, and that made me go, do you know what I need to actually really look into this properly because it's, this thing's been floating around in my ether for a while, and I hadn't really, I wouldn't have been able to tell you what it was like, for example, I didn't realize it wasn't a diagnosis. It's literally just a personality trait. Which also means that it's not something you can get better from. It's something that, for whatever reason you were. You were shaped as a child in this way and you can stretch. And that was yeah, that was another point of it actually, was that it's about the more brittle you are, the more dangerous you are as a narcissist. So if you are flexible and, open to being questioned or. Being wrong and that kind of thing, then you are less of a problem than when you are, it's fragile. Like your ego is fragile or your grip on reality is fragile. And so you have to keep very tight control on what's going on, and you need to control everybody around you. And yeah, all of that I didn't know any of that, so it just means that. I now understand that better. I can talk about it and I understand it, and I feel safe and comfortable in myself. Now I can see how someone was able to, point at me and poke at me and say things to me. But I also can see how that's not how it played out in my life. I'm not that person and that's not the way I am. And I'm, feel all right in myself with that now. I don't even need to, go into that and justify it. It's put my heart at ease. And I also feel forgiveness for the people because I also know that there's, just the way they are and that I can see how and why things happened in their lives that made that occur. So I can have compassion for that situation and how that happened. I have compassion for myself for. Going through those situations for so long and letting those people control me because they're very clever and manipulative, and that's what they're good at, and they're good at it. So it makes me sad that I did let that happen for so long,'cause it was really hurtful, but it did lead to me getting a dizzle, like all the roads led to here and I'm the most blessed and happy and loved. It's possible to be, and I couldn't, I just can't believe how lucky I am, so it's okay. That's okay. Whatever happened led me here, so I'm grateful for all of it and the things that are going on in the world around, I am so glad that I have taken time to stop and do the research and look into what, what these things represent. What the actual details are and be able to put together new nuanced and informed argument and response to whatever it is that's coming my way and being able to also like. Own where I'm at with stuff. That's been something that's been really important in the government is that I'm not the smartest person there. I don't have the full vocabulary for stuff. I am not really good at remembering details and dates and things. I get. I'm very good at far. I'm good at the general vibe and the farness of it all. I'm not good at the detail. That's fine. I know that. That's, I bring the skills that I bring and I don't have the other ones. And there are people who are extremely thorough and are extremely detailed and extremely intelligent, and they're useful as fricking hell. And I'm not threatened by that. I'm absolutely relishing the fact that they're going and doing all the work. Brilliant. Love it. Crack on. And then. I'm like, and here's bigger picture thinking. And I'm, because I am empathetic and compassionate, I'm really good at holding space with people. I bring that to the table. I can hold space and I can hold, people being emotional and whatever it's, that's going on, I can hold that and support that and. Yeah I bring the things that I am bringing and I'm not that good at the things that I'm not that good at, and to be able to own that. So when you are putting together the argument you've got, don't worry about trying to be the smartest person or be right or beat anyone. It's just so that you've. You've got the words for what you want to say and the understanding of it. And don't keep shying away from it. Do you know what neoliberalism is? If that's something that you've heard come up a few times and it makes you feel a bit shy and embarrassed that you don't really know what it is, go listen to the Blind Boy podcast, listen to it. Do your research. Just go and look into these things so that when you have these conversations, you are able to talk about it. And that's the thing that. I'd like you to do for your Chaos Crusade is at least write an email response or write, like just write down notes about a thing that keeps coming up for you that you want to be able to say yeah, blah, blah, the witch trials, or whatever it is. Whatever it is. That's a thing that comes up that you're like, oh yeah, but isn't that oh, I don't really know, but blah, blah, blah. But I feel like it should be the. Just go and get some bits of information and notes so that you know what you're talking about. That's what I'm saying to do. While all this stuff is still at our fingertips, and it hasn't all been tampered with because we know that they already are tampering with things, but it could just keep trickling down and you've got no idea when one day a thing that you want to go look at, just there's been completely messed around with and you're like, I'm sure that's not right. And yeah, it's not like an encyclopedia that's in your house that no one can come and change. All of this stuff online can be changed any minute. And yeah, get your information and your facts down now while they're all still there and haven't been tampered with. So that's what I'm saying for your Chaos Crusade is to go and do this week. Keep your eye on the prize. We can get through this. We're gonna do this. And, take advantage of the reality that we are still living in the bubble that we're still living in. And get everything you need sorted before it pops. Love you all. Take care. And I'll see the anon. I.