Nonsense in the Chaos
This weekly offering is an exploration into the unknown, as I interview one of the many extraordinary people I've had the joy of meeting on this weird and wonderful journey we call life.
Instead of having pre-planned questions, I pull three tarot cards, which we’ll discuss and share our insights on. This concept aims to support me and the listeners to learn to be at ease with the unknown, demonstrating how there’s something to gain from trusting the chaos of the universe.
Nonsense in the Chaos
#24 Do Not be Hasty; Gordon Field in Conversation with Trees
When Spring unfolds the beechen leaf, and sap is in the bough; When light is on the wild-wood stream, and wind is on the brow; When stride is long, and breath is deep, and keen the mountain-air, Come back to me! Come back to me, and say my land is fair!
Ent’s Marching Song - Tolkien
This week I’m chatting to my dear friend Gordon Field, who talks to trees and travels through portals. His reality is quite different to mine, and yet there are similarities. I too am picking up on the sentient relationship that’s possible with Mumma Earth when you open yourself up to the plausibility of such things. And my take on it is that all of our inner worlds are different and unique, so each of us will therefore have a bespoke world experience of how we connect to and communicate with nature. What’s become simplified over the years, extracted down to those with ‘green fingers’ talking to their house plants, in indigenous cultures, is a fully fledged dynamic relationship with active two way dialogues and guidance being sought by humans from plants and the land. I miss that guidance personally and am very happy to be welcoming it back in.
In this podcast we reference;
The Sun and the Serpent by Paul Broadhurst & Hamish Miller
The Spine of Albion by Gary Biltcliffe, Caroline Hoare
The music and artwork is by @moxmoxmoxiemox
Nonsense in the Chaos is available on all podcast platforms or you can listen to it here… https://nonsenseinthechaos.buzzsprout.com
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The mountains and the caves. Wicked witches. Crusting the unknown. Um, yeah. Welcome to the Nonsense in the Chaos. I am your host, Jolie Rose. It's cold and horrifically windy. The Dara Storm has been whipping up a frenzy across the island. I'm of the opinion that we're all going to have to start living underground soon because we're not going to be able to keep roofs on our houses for much longer. And this is the beginning of the bad weather. This isn't an anomaly. This is the norm. The summers are going to keep getting hotter. Whichever was the hottest summer that we've recently had is going to be the coolest summer that we will know going forwards. we've, kicked the hornet's nest, haven't we? And we're now suffering the consequences and it's very clear and visible that it's happening. However, there are many wheels in motion and today's talk and conversation is with an extremely interesting fellow Along with other people that I've talked to like Dennis, who I talked to earlier in an earlier podcast, an energy worker, Gordon, who's my friend that I speak to today is a special man with a unique perspective on the world. and this is what inspires me is that we're all living in completely different realities and we're all unique. In Gordon's world. He has a relationship with trees and the land that is communicating things with him that I find inspiring in terms of AI and in terms of Trump and in terms of all the things that are going on in the world. There are different alternative perspectives it's taking what serves and letting go of what doesn't, if anything isn't landing right or doesn't seem true to you, then you don't need to do anything with that. But if there are things that, you're like, Oh, actually, that's really interesting, or that inspires me, or that gives me hope, then take it and run with it. Make the most of it. Because in these days of mayhem and craziness, things falling apart and falling into pieces, the more sustenance that we can gain from different ways of seeing things and different ways of doing things and different narratives to the we're screwed or business as usual. I think that's because really, I've just, written an article about this for the Guernsey Press. We have two versions of reality that were sold to us through the narratives of the powers that be. And they are, don't worry, everything's fine, business as usual, which is increasingly becoming very clear is bullshit because we just have to look outside our windows. And the other one is, we're completely screwed anyway, so don't bother. And that one's the most dangerous one because in that one, there's no hope. And if we don't have hope, I once saw a shaman speaking about this. He said, when we lose hope, that's when people start killing their babies. And that's when absolute chaos reigns because there has to be hope. And the thing that bothers me about that is we've jumped from nothing's wrong, business as usual, to there's no hope without that middle space, which is where there is hope and there's something we could do about it. And when you think about it, logically, that's the only bit that actually exists because the business as usual, everything's fine was never true. We all knew that, but we dip into these things in and out sometimes we lose hope. Sometimes we act like business as usual. And sometimes we care and we're doing something about it. And for sanity and for practical reasons, we have to do that. No eco warrior is. All day long fighting the system. At some point, it's going to the shop and getting food. At some point, you have to get the train. Bus or whatever at some point, you're doing business as usual. And at some point, you lose hope. I'm speaking from experience. I totally lose hope on a regular basis. Sometimes I believe what I'm saying and believe my, inspirational chat. And sometimes I'm like, I don't believe anymore. You know, we all dip in and out of it. And sometimes I'm just, chucking stuff in the bin or whatever we do. We're all doing all of it. So there's no need to beat ourselves up for any of this. But that bit in the middle of business as usual, which was nonsense anyway. And there is no hope. We're screwed. Therefore then we have just Mad Max and chaos reigns, I don't think any of us really want that there is this middle space, which is the present, which is the only bit that's actually real, which is, there is plenty that we could do about it. We need to use our imaginations. We need to admit that there's a problem and we need to start doing something about it. In that space, there are all of us and we all have different perspectives and different realities it's, useful to dip into other people's realities because they give you insights and ideas that you would never have thought of, which is why I encourage men to hear podcasts about women's cycles and about women's workings. And it's why I would invite you now to enjoy and immerse yourself in the reality of Gordon because his world is beautiful and I love it. He lives in a world of Ents where the trees speak to him and where he has Downloads and, instructions and communications from the earth. And they're inspiring and beautiful. I have also got this inkling and experience myself when we walked listening to the land on our pilgrimage to COP 26, I did begin to hear it. And my relationship with it. Ever since has been a very sentient two way relationship. It's not as clearly language y or instruction y as it is with Gordon. Some of the pilgrims I walk with have different experiences too. Some people feel that they can feel the shape and size of the energy lines and, and have energy experiences I notice synchronicity and light quality, the light goes twinkly and yeah, weird synchronicities will keep happening and, and sort of signs and just a, and a feeling of safety and security sort of atmospheres. I feel an atmosphere, but I can't feel a definite change in, energy. In space. I've had the odd download of information. I got a download that energy lines were a more direct line to communicate with the earth don't really remember where I was when that happened, but that happened at some point. The earth told me that's what the energy lines are. And I, I have had nothing but like incredible things happen in my life since I've been working with the earth and the lines, which all might just be coincidence, but it feels way more. in flow than that. It feels like my life's gone into a flow that's more a reflection of my higher self, which I feel I've gained by shedding the made up world and embracing the real world, which is the earth that we live on. I am bereft this year from not walking. It was good to do it because I suppose in a way I needed a break from the body of work I was doing and, for the insight that it's given me, which is I definitely won't need to walk every year because I feel like I haven't seen my mum, for a whole year and really spent proper time with her. It's someone who's integral to your being that I haven't got to see this year and I feel bereft from not doing so. I know I can go outside and go for walks but it's not the same as fully having a seven week window of immersion in her. I really miss her. So it's something that I've learned. I'm gonna introduce you now to Gordon Field. He's an amazing guy. Met him through the first pilgrimage I walked on my own. He mentions Hamish Miller. Who he talks about going on a dowsing workshop with he wrote The Sun and the Serpent, which is the book about the Michael and Mary lines, which were the first lines I walked on my first pilgrimage. So I'll share that in the notes. So his book, The Sun and the Serpent and they got halfway across the country before they realised there were two energy lines and not one and they had to go back to the beginning and start again. They discovered through dowsing the Michael and Mary lines, energy lines, that run through the sacred sites. of the ley line, which is a straight line drawn with a ruler by someone through the sacred sites, going from Cornwall to Norfolk they noticed this line, they drew the line and then went dowsing and discovered energy lines that aren't fixed. They move around and fluctuate in size and strength they're more like energy lines in the body. When Gordon's talking about dowsing and going on a dowsing workshop with Hamish, it's a big deal that he got to meet him. And he was a very special man before he passed away. I just wanted to begin with reading this quote. It's a quote from the Ents from Lord of the Rings and then we will dive into meeting Gordon. When spring unfolds the beech and leaf and sap is in the bough, when light is on the wildwood stream and wind is on the brow, when stride is long and breath is deep and keen the mountain air, come back to me, come back to me and say my land is fair. So with that, let's speak to Gordon and I'll see you on the other side. I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this. So, stay tuned. I want to say a huge welcome to Gordon Field, who I've been going to chat to this evening. I met Gordon and his partner, Geraldine in 2020, when I did my first pilgrimage, walking the Michael and Mary Energy Lines from Kennebol, just below Land's End on the Cornish coast, all the way to Hopton on Sea on the Norfolk coast, where did we meet? We met at the church. Which church was it? St. Michael's Church. Whereabouts was it? yes. And I'd never met you before. how did you hear about me? I found you on the Energies group on Facebook and you said you were going to do the walk and I offered you accommodation. thank you Geraldine. I got a message from you both and you said you had something for me and I had no idea what it was. before we get onto that, I'd like to hear a little bit about your background, Gordon, because I've never heard what your story is, like where you grew up and how you come to the work that you do and what the work you do is. do you want to tell us a little bit about what you do? Yes, I grew up in Rowell, Sussex, on a farm on the edge of the High Weald. my main interests were the farm, of course, but also the, nature around me. And the only thing I really enjoyed doing was drawing. spending time out in nature. from that, I went to a secondary modern school, and you had a choice of three options when you left agriculture, horticulture, or light engineering. I went to a small primary school I grew up in a place called Dial Post, halfway between Horsham and Worthing in Sussex. went to the secondary school and they said the options we had when we left were being pushed towards agriculture, horticulture, or light engineering. all I wanted was to do art. I was the only one who went to art school that year. somebody else went on to the Royal College of Music, but we were the real mavericks amongst all the normal people. I went to art college in Worthing, and that opened up everything for me in terms of college. my mind was opened up completely, and I spent four years there. I did a foundation year, and then concentrated in exhibition design. the idea was that I would, then go on to work, with a designer in the exhibition industry. In my final year of college, there were many union disputes at places like Earls Court and Olympia, that basically the exhibition industry I've been trained for disappeared. So I ended up doing more exhibition graphics. I worked for design consultants, The main one I worked for was a firm of architects, based, in London. And they had a contract, with the Ministry of Defence. And, so my first job was designing window displays to recruit young men to join the Army. For the Army, yes, but it was a good, I started off at Wilton, near Salisbury, and then the job moved up to Aldershot. I didn't like Aldershot, so I got a job with another firm of architects. after a year, the, the original company, I was asked to take over the office in Chester, and Chester was a really nice place to go, so I thought, I'll go there. that job, covered the whole of Wales, the West Midlands and the North West, so I spent most of my time travelling around, giving advice, acting as a consultant. but then after a while I got a bit tiring, and then the office was going to move to Preston, I didn't want to go there. So I used my skills and knowledge I had to go, become an art lecturer. So I went to Carlisle, so I was there for four years, teaching art and design, eventually I moved to Taunton, where I was the senior lecturer, in graphics, but then I went into art design, so the graphics I didn't enjoy, so I went into just teaching post 16. I left there through stress, because I was, fighting the system, where people coming into the college, decided they didn't want drawing anymore. for an art education, that's a bit sort of, wasn't for me. So I was fighting that, and they wanted to try and do exams as well. I was signed off through stress for a whole year. my doctor said that you're never going back there again. that year was probably the most creative year I've ever had. I produced so much work in that time. Although I wasn't feeling brilliant, I still produced work. a few years later, I was working as an artist in residence in primary schools. when you go into a primary school, the children, their minds are so open and I learned so much from them. at the same time I met Geraldine, my wife, and it was then, was it 2009, 2009, she booked us to do a dowsing course with the late Hamish Miller. if you want to go to a workshop, that's the one to go for. In a little sort of, boffy building Which we, we stayed in for three nights. and the workshop and the time there, I knew that I had dowsing abilities. I tried it when I was on the farm, because they used to use a hazel white stick to try and find water, but I couldn't get on with that. So I started using metal rods and now wooden rods. above where he lives is Trencombe Hill, which is an ancient hill fort. I would go up there, and there's remains of graves and other things there. And I would douse for those while we were there. But the thing that interested me was the tree. It was a holly tree on the other side of the hillfort, shaped by the winds and nibbled by all the animals. incredibly shaped tree, but the energy of that tree was tremendous. it's aura or energy field around it was very, very large. So I thought maybe it's trees I'm working with, but that time I didn't really know. Then a month later we were in Brittany, and Geraldine's parents have a farmhouse there. each morning I would get up before dawn and walk along one valley to another valley with an ancient wood with a stream running through it. On the third morning, got up at crack of dawn, it was really frosty, wonderful, this is about mid March, frosty, beautiful day. By the time I got to the wood, I had used up both batteries on my digital camera, just recording things. And I walked into the wood. But I can't remember what happened to me. I got back to the house very late, and they said I was in a completely different world. I wasn't allowed to go back into the woods for the rest of the holiday because they were concerned. the trees had made contact with me, and since then I've been on this strange journey with the trees, as the energies of the earth grow bigger and bigger, things are opening up, it's quite incredible, So, now it's. Not only working with the trees, but it's also working with water based energies, I'm finding portals where you can travel through the earth to different locations. this coming winter solstice will be the final increase Or nine increases in energy from deep within the cosmos. So it means that the Earth will be transformed. It's already changing the energies again, building up and up. it's an interesting time. I'm definitely feeling that as well. And there's the, Pluto transition as well. Pluto's just transitioned into Aquarius. it's been 240 years since it's been in Aquarius and the last time it was there was the French and industrial and American revolutions. So it's a time of great communal change. big communal shifts. Dizzle my partner, turned to me the other day and said, something's changing and he could feel it. I said, I can feel it too. you talk about the Beacon Trees, tell us about the Beacon Trees, because that was the first thing that you told me about. five years later after that experience in the wood, I was in the wood again, standing on a bridge over the street that runs through it, and I realized I was standing on the same energy line I found in that orchard back home. in the Blacktown Hills. I couldn't believe it when I found it in the orchard. That was about a year before it said the band of energy was three miles wide. I was in the ancient woods standing on the bridge. I suddenly realized I was on the same energy line ran through our orchard. When I mapped it out on the local maps, it took me to a relatively small oak tree, that oak tree had its normal, energy field around it, but then, I found there was a vortex of energy around the outside of the oak tree, going out to the edge of its canopy, it went 12 heights above the tree and 12 heights below, and the height is from the top of the tree's canopy to the base of its roots. Oh wow. it was the next few years that energy increase became 36 heights above the tree and 36 heights below. used the term beacon trees, because this is pure energy. If it was a physical thing, you'd have to have beacons on top of these trees, to stop aircraft, and other things flying into it. It was so powerful. all the way along this line, which I now call a serpent line, because it, it circles the earth. there was these beacon trees and then there was, beacon wells and springs, which are also very powerful places. if you spend time with a beacon tree, you will gain strength and probably knowledge as well. It'll help to strengthen each of us if we spend time with it. in 2016, An increase in energy from deep within the cosmos. I wasn't shown where, because human beings can't be trusted with that knowledge at the moment. that knowledge came in, and the energy remained 36 heights above the tree, like a cone of energy going down into the earth. The top of the tree, that 36 heights is the apex, and it goes down deeper and deeper into the earth. currently, it's 3456 heights below. Each of these beacon trees. when I first started working with them, they were few and far between. Now they're appearing everywhere. And all this energy is going deeper and deeper into the earth. Wow. what's your sense of what that is why it's increasing and what's happening? It has happened before. It happened two and a half thousand years ago, when the Buddha Got enlightenment. It was also the classical period of Greek art where art and thought, were transformed this energy comes in, it's all positive energy to help strengthen us, give us knowledge, open up creativity, but above all to open up our consciousness. Because it's nine increases is examples all around the world of different indigenous people, shamans, et cetera, talking about nine earthly worlds you have to travel through before you can go up into the heavens. that number's come up a few times When you talk about that, I remember having this image described in something, of the black holes where the wires coming into the universe that we were in, if it was like imagining it like a computer, that the black holes were the wires and the information was coming through these wires. And there's something about what you're saying For that information to come down into the earth, it makes sense that it's going to come down through powerful trees, they're kind of the earth's aerials, so to speak. I find that really fascinating. It also goes into the water as well. it's been clear as I've been working with the trees, that there's a complete energy system, which is the water below us. in 2016, no energy went into the water, but in 2017, it went into the water. Places like powerful beacons, springs, wells, and other locations. until then, water had been following gravity. what happened to the water? It became vortexes of energy. what was below the ground was above the ground in terms of a vortex in terms of energy. and that's been increasing as well as the increase that's been happening with the trees. that's why a lot of people have found quite a bit of turbulence in the energies because these are really powerful. the tree told me to call this the elemental web, the earth is completely covered by this water energy system. initially I thought it was just running water and moisture, but now I know it's the spirit of water. So whatever we do to the surface of the earth, it's still connecting all the way around. for instance, the Aboriginal dream time is following these water based energy lines. it's also a system of communication. In my view, if we build up our consciousness, we can use it all the time and probably don't need much of the technology we have at the moment. I've got a sense of that as well, that there is much we have done and can do when we're not so distracted by outer worldly things talk about the healing sticks. how did that whole thing occur? The up on the Blackdown Hills, we used to have a winter gathering where we'd all, a group of us meet up and we'd do contributions to it. one of the people who's our tree guardian, did a shamanic drumming session. at that time, I didn't have a drum. So I got two pieces of hazel from some sculptures I'd been making. rhythm sticks. As soon as the drumming started, I was told to put the smaller one down and hold the other one at either end horizontally. as the drumming went on, I got completely grounded. the sticks got hotter and hotter, but I couldn't let go. when the drumming session stopped, I was sitting there with very hot hands completely stuck. I couldn't move. I checked and doused up to see what happened. And it said, become a healing stick. And I thought, well, is it healing? is it to get rid of bad energy And they said, no, this is to help heal the earth. So from then on, I was shown using hazel as the base to make the hazel sticks of a certain height. and I carve into them. it's very therapeutic whittling away at wood days on end, they had to be activated through shamanic drumming sessions, those things have moved on since then. what we do with that is I make them, activate them, and give them to the tree guardians I work with. So the tree guardians are about 180 at the moment. Wow, that's gone up. Yeah, I think it was 89 when you asked me to do it. And extending all the time, I keep meeting people who definitely are tree guardians, Wow, that's so cool. And the idea with the stick is you walk through the landscape and pick up energy from power points, like a beacon tree or beacon spring, and it creates a veneer of energy running through. Across the Earth. Oil slick. Yeah, almost like an oil slick going across, you know, and it follows everything. but that helps to connect the energies. And that works with the water based energies and the magnetic energies of the Earth. So it helps to strengthen the Earth. Hmm. And so when I walked to my pilgrimage, that's what you gifted me when I met you in Somerset. that's right. Because you gifted me my staff, You had to carry your journey, And you gave us your stick. Yes, called John. So John's in the house, Gathering energy with all the other sticks. So she's created the Spirit line all across the country. Yes, I walked with Sherwin across the land and created a spirit line with him. Yeah, so we created a spirit line so the Michael and Mary line, they're both two miles wide, but you extended that energy out from there, so the strength of the energies of lines as you walk through the land. it does feel like an earth massage or a kind of acupunctury type thing. And this led me on to our woodland ancestors, who were the ones who were doing this work. they master craftsmen in wood. but also healers as more information comes out about them, they had a symbiotic relationship with the natural world. they were the ones who went through the land healing it, locally or long trips through, through the land. And it's also a society where they would spend time in the company of trees. when they were in certain trees, they would be joined by all the. Creatures around them the elementals and the spirit beings some of these trees were very powerful portals where they got knowledge and help with their work Yeah, so all the Celtic tree law comes from the terror council the terror would be Part of the Celtic, route. but they were kept their own separate life. when Christianity came in, they had to keep a very secret double life. they were the people who built the churches, cathedrals, and Abbey. they would go to church in the morning probably, and In the afternoon they would go off to their beacon tree, and spend time in the company of that. So talk a little bit about what the experience is of how you communicate with the trees, like how, I know these are one of those things that's really difficult to describe because it's an inner world thing, but just a little bit of, how you might describe that experience, like how literal is it or how does it come through? When it first started, I was told to put my hand on the tree. So I put my hand on the tree, but when I touch the tree, my hearing goes completely. I can't hear anything. And all of a sudden, I hear the tree, and then I hear the creatures that have an interaction with the tree. And then eventually all the other noise comes in. sometimes when I touch certain trees, I'm either very, very small or very, very large, or in most cases I go deep underground and have to press a stop button to get back up again. my whole nature changes in certain aspects of that. And to start off with, I was just working with, asking about their well being, and their energy levels I would check to see whether they're okay, and if there's something I could do, I would do that to help them. I would walk out from the trunk of the tree, to find the edge of its energy field. early on, I could do that quite easily, it wasn't too far. But now with the increase in energies, it could be walking miles or half miles away from the tree because the energy is built up we moved into a house, it was the, oak tree in the front garden because that's a beacon tree and I know it's a portal. that gives me information through visions and insights, which I then follow on and check to see. I'm always careful. I don't mention things until I've checked to see I'm on the right track. Being an artist, I think my imagination sometimes can take over, but I'm always checking to see whether I'm on the right track and the information is right. I'm arranging a conference on the Blackdown Hills on the edge of an ancient wood, and I was asked to go along to see whether the wood would be happy with the conference. they wanted to have breakout groups around fire pits in the woods, so I had to find out whether they were happy with that. And the trees were happy with that, company, very nice, wouldn't meet all these people. But while I was there I had this sort of thing in my head, I'll ask a tree how old it is. So I went to one of these very old oaks and it told me it was over a thousand years old. And then I couldn't quite believe it, so I kept asking it. later on when I went to Kew Gardens, where a lot of the trees, they know exactly when they were planted. before I looked at the plaque next to them, I would dows a tree, and I was right every time. From then on, I sometimes just ask a tree a few times because they haven't had contact with us for so long, then things started moving out from there, really, so it was, Incredible journey. Wow. That's so cool. That's amazing. I love it. What an incredible story. I think we should pull the cards and see what the universe wants us to talk about. I'm interested to see what comes up. Synchronicity. I'll go like this and you tell me when to stop. Oh, well, this is very apt. this is is it the princess of discs? And she is, gorgeous. I love this card. This is probably my favorite card from the deck. I think she looks a lot like Ellen and I don't know how much you know about the Ellen line on the spine of Albion, but Ellen is the goddess of the ways she's the one that create the paths that the animals create through the forest humans will follow on the hunt and they'll follow her. she looks like a tree guardian. She does, yeah. It's her healing stick. what does that bring up for you? the disc, yes, at Earth. It's got the yin and yang in the middle of it it's very much like the portal I went through recently. What happens when you go through a portal? Tell me about that. I've been doing lots of energy mapping. One of the guardians has got a landscaping and rewilding company, so I've been doing work for some of her clients. Most clients want to do the best for their land, so I work out where the energy lines go find the powerful trees springs and wells to help them keep the gardens going, or make ponds or lakes she also puts me in touch with other people and I've now got my inboxes full of all these people wanting different jobs. And one of these was, a couple who've got basically a field south of Bruton in, in Somerset, they wanted to do was, build a house there, but they wanted to do the best for the rest of the land. So I visited them, and I do initial map before I go there, but when I got there, I found there was a lot more going on, a lot more powerful beacon trees. So it's like some form of, processional route or containment with all these trees. then I went back home, did the second map, and that revealed much more, including a portal. some of these Beacon Trees, Springs and Wells are portals in their own rights, I'm traveling through these ones into the cosmos with the one in my front garden, for example, but this one was a standalone portal. one of the other gardeners I work with, Roberta, she's a very powerful shaman, is the only way of describing her. She's a feng shui master, and her knowledge is tremendous. Out of this world. She's able to go through these portals and find out where they go This one went to a volcano, a mountain, but it's also an active volcano in southern Peru. In the other direction, it went to the sun and 12 stars. So it was quite a powerful place. the custodians of this land, had a ceremony there with a fire pit over where the portal is to represent the volcano. we had, cacao, and copal oil on the forehead. I was sitting there, they were playing some music and all of a sudden I was off on a journey. was a bit like, Star Trek, when they go to warp drive, and I think I was shooting by. So I'm going down a wormhole, and I found myself above the molten lava inside a volcano. But there was no heat at all. I saw this mountain is a sacred site. these other portals go to Aboriginal sites in Australia. North American. Sites, which were the, the Native Americans used to go to, and Japan as well. So, opening up all over the place. And every time I do a map now, there's more portals. One I've just done recently, there was only one portal on the map. We visited it, and there's another four. Just in that garden. So the whole thing is opening up my theory is, in the past, our ancestors were communicating through these portals. that's where all that knowledge was transferred this collective consciousness thing. More work needs to be done on that, but that's what I think But also the connections to the heavens as well. if we open up our consciousness, we won't need to have, a spaceship to get somewhere. We'll be able to do it by just staying where we are and traveling through that. there's already the Kogi Indians of Columbia They travel to different worlds beyond us. It's something that I've, heard on more than one occasion from different places of how, More indigenous communities are able to. Communicate with each other without speaking it's much more part of their everyday existence the tribe will all suddenly stop and they'll just start setting up camp and there was no discussion about it, they'll just know that that's where they're doing it. and it's partly somehow they just know with each other, but also it's the land, like they're all listening to the land. so the land says, this is the right place for you to stop. And this is the place where you'll get nourishment and water it's an understanding. and it's interesting, I talked earlier on about the terror meeting around the tree with all the creatures. And the elementals and spirit beings. and there was no sound there at all. No one was talking. It was all done through the third eye. telepathic connection So there was total quiet while they were busy doing it, apart from the leaves in the tree, So we were able to do that and we'll be able to do that if we concentrate. Yes. It's something that I would like to do the next pilgrimage because I'm planning on walking another pilgrimage next year. I would like develop the practice while we're walking of not discussing The admin, because that it's exhausting and it takes up a lot of time. I want to still honor people feeling heard and having spaces to talk, but to practice knowing when to stop, if someone stops because they need to go to the toilet or something we all just stop, and don't talk about it being sensitive to each other and learning to do that. Part of us that I think did exist and we've forgotten and how to develop that in ourselves. I think it's a good starting point. Because you can feel it's wrong when you do it. There's something about shouting back to people. And saying, Oh, we're stopping or there's a thing going on. something about it feels clunky, and it's jarring and actually it feels like the right thing would be that we were just sensitive to it and just automatically, stopped and were thoughtful about it That we don't do anymore. And yeah, it feels jarring when we don't do it. Excellent. I love that. And does the Ellen line mean anything to you? Like have you had much connection with the spine of Albion? Yes, because, I followed your journey and I've still got my list of work to do on finding different sites there was one of the guardians who's, based at, land born? both the lines go through his property. it's interesting because he's an ex racehorse trainer, but given it all up because he doesn't like the racing industry altogether. But he's actually got Both the two lines, one of the lines goes through his house, where there was a beacon tree crossing with other lines. But it was quite interesting how powerful it was through there and that connections running through. so it's been coming up with other people in terms of the work I'm doing. So it's like all those things, it's all interconnected and it opens up more information. Well, that's what's so wonderful about doing the pilgrimages is I have no idea what connections it creates, like the ripples that it leaves behind, I love becoming aware of it, then these other connections have been made that are nothing to do with me that I know nothing about, but it's nice to have been part of that process to somehow open things up. Well, I'm finding all the mapping I'm doing at the moment, I'm finding so many ley lines. It's unbelievable. The two energy lines that create the ley lines. And there's just masses of them. We've named one of the lines after, the youngest tree guardian, 10 years old. And he's a true spirit for the earth, What's his name? So that's called the Artemis lines, his name's Artie. Artie, oh, how wonderful. I've got to find a name for the other ones as well. But it will keep Dowsers going for years following all these lines I'm following through. it's quite incredible, the whole country is literally. Well, it's such a sacred land, isn't it? I was showing Dizzle photos of Kingly Vale the other day. And am I right in thinking that the UK was very much yew tree? I think quite a lot of our forest was you at one point, you know, the you tree, the, so Kingly Vale down near Chichester is a forest of you trees. And I believe that a lot of England was covered in you tree forests at one point. And I just showed the photos to Dizzle and I was like, how could you not think that the UK is incredibly magical and sacred if you came across this beautiful island that was covered in trees that look like this? it looks like Lord of the Rings. no wonder everyone, found it a sacred place to be. in Britain, the, beacon trees tend to be either, oaks or yews. very powerful. the whole place you can almost feel it coming alive at the moment with all this energy and all these things that have been forgotten or hidden, for so long are suddenly being revealed, which is quite incredible. That's so good. I love it. Brilliant. Right. We'll pull another card. I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this. So, stay tuned. If you enjoy this podcast, then please consider supporting me on Patreon, which is patreon. com forward slash Jolie Rose. I had an interesting conversation today with someone in Chief Police about me being involved and how they really appreciate me being there because I'm left field, a low earner and I'm educated and so I'm bringing Quite like an educated because there are other people who are educated, but I'm sort of worldly wise educated. I'm not just Public school sort of educated, which I'm not but I have had an education I've got a degree went to university and I've also traveled the world I'm obviously worldly wise and experienced in things and so I'm bringing that to the table It was interesting because when they were talking to me about my work and who I am, they thought of me as a barmaid and went, Oh, and that, you know, so you're doing a blog it was funny because it's like I, for a start, don't do a blog. I have no blog. I suppose I do a video blog occasionally. Yeah, so I do a video blog. If you count my YouTube videos as video blogs, but I don't write a blog. I make a podcast and I write fortnightly columns for Guernsey Press and I make theatre and I lead pilgrimages and I'm a theatre producer and a fundraiser and an event organiser and a company director and a company trustee and I've run a museum and I've been a stand up comedian and I'm an actress. And I'm a fool and I'm a very well trained, highly trained fool. I've been fooling for nearly 20 years. So that's pretty, I mean, to the point where I'm possibly, possibly going to be doing a PhD soon. Possibly, but I don't know it was just interesting that the perception of me over here is. It was a bit of a humbling moment and I don't mind and I do find it funny and interesting that I'm, cleaning up people's puke and the urinals and everything. On a, you know, two, three times a week basis. And I almost see it in a kind of Buddhist monk type way. I feel quite Zen about doing it. It's like being of service and also doing chief police. Cause that's being in the government and it's a horrible job. It's very interesting, incredibly interesting. And I care, which is just sometimes I wish I didn't care. Why do you have to care? I care. And it really isn't. pain in the backside that I do because sometimes I don't know why I'm doing it because it's hard, like people are not grateful. I don't get invited to things, I didn't get invited to something this week which really actually hurt, really did hurt. Especially when the next day, I have to go out in the wind and rain and go serve those people in the government and then like working towards going and doing a public announcement and assembly in January that I'm going to just get destroyed and ripped to shreds for and yeah, you're doing all this work and then I've got to go clean their puke up in the toilet, Why am I doing this? it was just interesting. I've got a whole history as an artist that's just not known here and forgotten. even now, as time goes on, if you were to Google my name, Jolie Rose, It's not under that name, it's under my old name, Jodie Booth. So it just sort of disappears. I had a whole artistic career before I became Jodie Booth as well with my maiden name, which was Jodie Pierce. that was a whole world of, me doing standup comedy and things like that, which disappeared, especially because Pierce Brosnan and Angelina Jolie became massive. So I vanished somewhat down the Google search list. I've had different phases and careers. And I just sort of get erased every now and then, but I don't mind. It's interesting. It's also got its uses. There's definitely things about that that are useful. we all make mistakes and we're all learning as we go along and my less professional work is gone, disappeared. So that's quite good. So there's, there's pros and cons to it, but yeah, it was just interesting. I said this to them tonight, I have spent 20 years living as an artist, and this is the first time in 20 years that I've had to do another job in order to survive. And that's because there aren't thousands of people here who can come and watch the thing that I do. So therefore I have to do other things in order to get by, And I would love to be able to do this as a full time job. It actually takes up so much time. It takes up at least three days for me to do it to the level that I'm able to because I then have to work at the pub for two days and then it's the weekend and I also would like to have some time to myself. Plus I've got to write the And I've got to run the government. So I, I do need some time to myself to have off as well. But if this could be my full time job, then I could be doing this for five days a week and I could be thoroughly improving everything. There are many things that I would like to improve about what I'm doing and further do other things like make audio books. And yeah, there were lots of other ideas that are out there and I've got my second book that I want to write this winter, which I'm going to do for creation hibernation. I think I might be pausing for two months in January, February. I'm really torn because I love doing this so much that I want to keep doing it. However, I also need to honour my creation hibernation time. And I think, I think I will have a break for two months, from, the start of January, I've got podcasts, sorted till then, from the start of January till in bulk, I think I will be having a break so that I can fully immerse myself and write my second book about the second pilgrimage that we walked from, London slash Isle of Wight to Glasgow slash Top of Scotland, and it's going to be a big bit of work, that, because I'm writing about. 34 people who walked with me and the energy lines and the intensity of that whole experience was full on. So I am going to go through a bit of an emotional journey reliving that and writing that. So I need to honour that process. it will mean that I will then be doing a season two and I have some really exciting guests lined up for that. I'll be coming back with aplomb. I think that is what I'm going to do. I've said it now, so it looks like that's what's happening. But I would really love to be able to make this my full time job. if you're able to support me then just for 3 a month, that's the basic kind of support, that's like you buying me a drink or a cup of tea. To say thank you for doing the podcast or cause you, you're my mate and you're just like, Oh, nice to see you. Here's a point. If you think that's something you might do, then if you're able to support me on Patreon, that'd be amazing. I do put other content up as well. you get the videos of this podcast videos for The moon ceremonies where I do readings and card readings and occasionally I just randomly put stuff up like today I think that I will be, as part of the creation hibernation, doing some writing. on patreon over winter. even if it's us meeting up for an hour to sit and write It will just be to write together I might share some creative stuff as well. exploring my process and sharing that. if you're interested in writing and that's something that you would like to do and explore, then sign up to Patreon and, and just get in touch with me it would be good to hear from you with your thoughts on anything I just said. I will also be doing an immersion for InBulk, the first weekend in February, at the Chill Inn in Sark. We spend a weekend just absolutely deliciously relishing the beginning of spring, the snow drops, the whiff of the scent of summer on the air, the first rays of light, we'll go skinny dipping, warm ourselves around the fire afterwards, and share in magic, we will make magic wands, it's just amazing. a delight. So I would love you to come and join me. It's very limited numbers. I only let there be seven people. there's nine in total because there's me and the woman who runs the space, which is gorgeous and she's lovely. So there's only seven spaces and people already want to come. So if you are interested, get in touch with me. I haven't started advertising it yet, but I will be imminently. It's very exciting. This is my birthday month and my birthday's on New Year's Eve. So I'm looking forward to that. Going to have a 20s party. I'm very excited. my intention for next year is To explore sound and singing and my voice and to develop my voice. So if anyone has any ideas or knows about any workshops, and also, as I mentioned in my last podcast, I'm looking for a retreat or something to go on myself. So I'm just trusting the universe and I know something will come my way that I can afford or that feels right, but just. me in mind if anything's coming up or passing by your way and you know about let me know and if you have any desire or anything to work with me on writing for creation hibernation get in touch all right thank you and on with the show So you tell me when to stop. There. Yep. Oh, this is another lovely card. So this is the Queen of Cups and this is very much, the inner world. A person looking into a pool of water. it's the inner imaginative world. And actually the question I was just in, was asking you, it's a bit like what I've already asked you. Let me just see what this is on there. Yes, there's a stork on there and, a woman You can just sort of see a leg and her skirt, but she's holding a bowl. it's all the ripples, all these waves and ripples, it's the water and yeah, what, what is it that you think's going on? What is the water and the energy in this inner world thing, what is happening and why is it waking up now? what's triggering the land to wake up now? with the water, that is, being completely activated, that's become more powerful, but also the energy that's going down below the tree that's going deeper into the earth. And that's going to bring up more energy. at the moment, I won't know until, the afternoon of the winter solstice. that's when I'll start getting the information. What I believe will happen is that the energies of the water will double again, getting more powerful, and the height below the tree will also double. going closer to the center of the earth. a lot of people believe that the center of the earth is not the molten lava we're used to. It's almost a different realm altogether. We won't really know until probably next year what's happening with these energies. I think it's going to energize everything around us. we're going to have to adjust to these energies. we're already starting to do that, but this will be very powerful. I think it's even more powerful this time because what's happening. within the heavens, all these changes with the energies there. I think this is a time when we've got to work with the earth, and strengthen it. also the, idea of the nine earthly worlds. to become a priest with a Kogi Indians, you have to spend about seven years in isolation, mainly in darkness, because that is you're traveling through seven of the earthly worlds, in order to go beyond that. So you can understand the world itself and then you can travel beyond the earth. their knowledge is, important. I've been talking about the number seven, the fool, the seven stages to the fool, which is the technique that I've worked and have trained in is with fooling with Jonathan Kay. that's about the seven being a sacred number. I've been working a lot with the Venus cycle recently, and she hooks up with the moon seven or eight times in her journey. to go back into the sun. So becoming evening and morning star, Venus is reflected in this journey, which was the story of Inanna, the goddess Inanna. She goes through the seven gates of hell and loses her power items as she goes, gets stripped down to nothing and then dies in the underworld. her supporters and the people who cared about her, nourish her and bring her back to life. they give her each of the garments back as she comes back through the seven veils and returns to the world, renewed. And that reflects in the Venus journey. So it seems like there's so many things that marry up with this and mirror it in the cosmos and in our mythology. I think also it's going to be. easier to do that. We won't have to spend seven years in isolation in order to travel through the earthly worlds because of this energy coming in. it's helping us, but we all have to work at it. to work at it, we have to reconnect with the earth itself. it has all the answers we need. it's been hidden or forgotten, but that change is on the way. I definitely feel it. an interesting conversation I had with Dennis, an energy worker who's done quite a bit of the pilgrimaging with us. And he says, he thinks we're actually going to vibrate into a totally different reality and that that's going to be happening shortly. that's based on some Indian mythology. it feels like there are lots of different myths and stories about us breaking into some other place and that this is the time it's going to happen. Yeah, in case of working with trees, there's occasions where time and space have changed. I've been on journeys where, I had to travel on my own, to spend time with them. the first time I went to Whistler's Wood, I was going to go with Geraldine, but Geraldine, her leg was playing up, so I decided not to come. So I was meeting the others in the group, at Post Bridge on Dartmoor, meet up at the car park there. I got to the car park plenty of time. I waited and waited. They never turned up. And I went to Two Bridges, which is the nearest spot to Whistler's Wood. I couldn't get into the quarry or the hotel across the road to park my car, so I found a lay by on the other side of the village. It was a really hot day, and I walked up to the wood, I was told to go around the western side and found a point to go in, it took me to this tree. As soon as I walked into the wood, it was lovely and cool. There was lots of other people in the wood. I couldn't hear them. All I could hear were the birds and the breeze and the leaves of the tree. When I left the wood, I checked to see whether the others were there, and it said no. it kept saying they weren't coming. I then went back towards the car, and thought, I'll have a cream tea, Well, no. Go and sit in the car, rest, and go back home. That was the instructions I got. They were in the car park at the same time as I was I never saw them, they never saw me. We later found out our cars were parked in exactly the same parking space. Oh wow. When I left the wood and asked whether they were there, they were at the bottom of the wood. If I'd gone to have a cream tea, I would have met them. And I wasn't supposed to meet anybody at the Pillar Journey, my home. we spend time with a tree, and you think you've only been there for a short while. You could be there for hours. So time is in stasis almost really. So it's a very, very powerful thing. It's all these other different realms, I think, and talking to other guardians, they can travel to these other realms. And that's what I think will be opened up to us. Exciting times. Transported by trees. That would be amazing. I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this. So, stay tuned. Right, let's do the last one. Yeah, there. One, yeah, about there. so this one is a tree and it's prudence. it's the eight of discs and it's these beautiful kind of windmill type flowers that are spinning with a twisting spinning tree coming up and it's got the symbol of the sun at the top. you can see it's going down into the earth and it's prudence, I think this card's got a really joyful feel to it. it's interesting that it's reaching out to the sun because that's where the information is coming down What does that feel like to you? Prudence. And it's the eight of discs. I think, it just shows the energy of the trees, of that connection. because, some of these trees, or that connection to the cosmos. if you could spend, you spend time with'em, they'll take you to that. That's the way they're going. I think this is what a lot of'em are gonna be doing is you spend time in their company, you will be traveling. opening up our consciousness is the important part of that. if we spend time in their company, things will open up. And also we spend time in the company with water at Springs and Wells. Beside rivers, that will also help open up your connection. And it actually brings it onto the Chaos Crusade, because that kind of feels, I don't know if you've thought about the Chaos Crusade at all, but it was, what is a thing that people could do for them to have a different experience of reality? that feels like it's to do with that, what idea do you have for your Chaos Crusade? put your ear to the tree, listen to the tree, spend some time with that, then just spend time with that tree's company, you will start hearing and seeing things, even smelling things around you, and that's the important thing of spending time with the trees, is their, their connection and you see the world from the trees point of view, you see it completely differently. Things slow down. You become relaxed. You become strengthened. a lot of people think, you know, when you go to a tree, you should hug it. The last thing you should do is hug it on the first visit. It's just far too forward. you should just place your hand on the tree, place your ear on the tree, and just make that connection with it. make the connection with the tree, and listen to what happens around the tree, and it will open up a great deal. It will strengthen, calm you down, but it will also start bringing, giving you knowledge and experiences. And how long do you normally spend with a tree? if people were going to do this, how long would you say, to at least give yourself whatever is comfortable to you really, I would say at least half an hour in the company of a tree, but you'll probably find that half an hour is turned into an hour or even longer, but certainly about half an hour. You've got to spend some time with it to experience what it experiences. And the best way to, spend any time with a tree, is to place. Your back on the trunk of the tree, or sit with your back to the trunk of the tree, because then your chakras are connected. it also means you're looking out and experiencing what the tree sees and feels. Yeah, that makes sense. Seeing the world through the eyes of the tree. And can it be any tree? I think you were saying that, beacon trees are ones that people tend to be drawn to, like the tree you climbed as a child. I'm actually taking Dizzle to go and meet my beacon tree. The one I sent a photo to you once. you said, that's a beacon tree, which I used to climb as a child. So I'm looking forward to introducing Dizzle to that. We called it the Jedi, the trees that you climbed as a child were probably, beacon trees. does it matter which, what trees you sit with? It doesn't matter, no, no, no. And the interesting thing now with the elemental web, because the energy lines cross below all of the trees. the very large one, but even the smaller ones all interconnect. So, yeah. You'll be able to, you'll be connecting with other trees, you'll be asked to connect to other different locations. And in a way that's where our communication system will improve from then on. we'll be able to go to trees, or to springs and wells, and connect with locations and ask questions and gain knowledge My Beacon tree is in the front garden, one day in four, because I've got the four portal trees, where we live, I've got a connection to that one. it's downloading information in terms of that, We might be in a city, with hardly a single tree around, but if we're on top of the water, the elemental web, we can connect with a tree, we can stop and spend time with that, our connections will build up and become much stronger, and we'll be able to slow ourselves down by Spending time in a location with a tree or in another location, asking to be connected to that. Yeah, I love it. something that Geraldine taught me to do, on the pilgrimage, which I really loved, is that she had a pocket full of marbles. whenever she walked past a river or, any kind of forest, Um, body of water, she would throw the marble in as a blessing I started doing it with smooth stones, you know, when you're drawn to these lovely round, smooth stones as you walk along. So I started filling my pockets with smooth stones and throwing them into the water of blessings. It was really nice on the pilgrimages to stop and acknowledge the water and to connect with the water each time and to put this blessing into the water and know that that was then reaching out across the land. that water was permeating out into the land. some of the guardians have been carrying out water pilgrimages and the energies of those rivers, Increase quite dramatically by just spending time walking across each time they come to a bridge, they make an offering, in it's the water. and that is transforming, the water weight systems in the country. It's just a beautiful thing to deepen one's relationship with the land. That's been the thing that I've been so passionate about in the last four years, is that realizing. There are two way sentient relationship that occurs when you open yourself up to it and that this can keep deepening we all have our own ways of doing it the earth is working with us all in different ways. it is doing it. It definitely is. no way is wrong, but the message I get from the trees is that our only way forward is to reconnect with the land itself. Exactly. That's the only way forward for all of us, really. And if we do that, it will open up knowledge and skills and our consciousness. Love that. Well, that's a beautiful place to end. Thank you. I really appreciate that. It was wonderful. Thank you so much. So that was Gordon and Geraldine popping in a little bit there. It was such a treat when I met them. Came out of nowhere, the universe brought them to me and they've ended up being such special people. They came over for our wedding earlier in the year and I've seen them several times on the pilgrimages. They've put us up and let us stay and we just always have such a wonderful time. They're not just magical beings but they're warm and they're fun and they're friendly and I'm so honoured to have had What feels like completely different entities to the reality or universe that I live in come into my life and be in my life and become such dear friends. when I say that the land, it feels like it gave me a higher version of myself and it opened me up. It opened me up to worlds and to people. points of view and experiences that were just completely out of my reality. I love life for that. It keeps doing that. I started in a council estate in Essex. I began as a chav. I began life as a really rough Essex girl chav. then made my way into the world of hippie. And then made my world into the way of punk. And then techno. actually no, it went hippie, techno, punk. hipster. Bohemian. And now, weird islander. I don't even know what I am anymore. But it's, with each reality, you discover new things, and now I'm more like action J. D., that's what I call myself now. I've gone into action mode. Like, do outdoor things, which I never did before. And it's a lot of fun. It's just wonderful. Reality is not a fixed thing, and our life experience has the potential to be so rich and varied, and I'm 46 on New Year's Eve, and I feel like my life's just begun. And I also feel that if I died tomorrow, I've been saved. I've really put the work in, you know, I've made an effort. I did a lot. I squeezed as much as I could in, but there's so much more. And if I could, I'd live a million lives. I wouldn't want to live forever, but I'd love to just keep getting reincarnated and remember. So I just believe in reincarnation because I want it to exist. I want to be reincarnated Millions of lives and to keep coming back. I want to come back sometimes black. I want to come back with a penis. I want to come back with a disability. I want to come back gay. I want to come back trans. I want to come back in all the different guises to have those experiences and to just, experience what those lives are like, because. It's fascinating. So that was the wonderful world of Gordon and definitely get to know your beacon tree. So he found two while he was over in Sark. Really interestingly, one, I already felt like the most powerful, magical part of the island is my favourite bit. when we do the Imbolc immersion and the Samhain immersions, we go down there go skinny dipping and immerse ourselves in the waters there. A place called Port de Moulon. it's not where the Celts were set up. The Celts were set up kind of a bit more central, in the island, but they were spread all over. They were spread all over the island. interestingly, it's where the monastery was built it feels like the energy line on this island runs through Port Damoon And at the top of it, there's a beacon tree, which I think is interesting. as soon as he told me where he'd found a beacon tree, I was like, yeah, yeah, I know that tree. You know, you know them, you already know them. And the other one, very interestingly is right outside chief police, outside the government here. So there's a beacon tree. Working its magic and its power and energy into the government here. So yeah, tapping into that for me is important when I'm doing the work that I'm doing, especially when it feels so thankless and pointless and scary. definitely scary And so knowing that beautiful trees outside and drawing on that and working with its support is vital walking into the forest and everyone being your friend, knowing all the plants as your friends, is a beautiful thing. for me, just Hawthorne especially, but I hope there are so many, all of them. Ivy and Holly they're my allies and my friends I invite you to begin to be friends with the plants because this is the way for us to save the planet. It's through, rather than beating ourselves up we could be beating ourselves up with the rod for not doing the recycling or driving or having children or not being vegetarian or whatever it is that you might be beating yourself up for. That's an option and it's part of the mix, you know, we should be, we need to be doing these things. But the other side is the carrot and the carrot is having a love and relationship that is a passionate sexual and besotted affair with mother earth and with all the birds. facets folds and juicy yumminess that is her to just keep peeling back the layers and loving every second of it the more you know the more there is to know she's the mistress that just keeps on giving and it's never ending and she is everything and just more than anything you could possibly have ever comprehended and it keeps blowing your mind every step of the way. I could, honestly, it's the best trip there is and I've tried them all. Mother Nature is the trip, so get on that, get involved and get in there. I hope you're all safe from all of the Mother Earth kicking off ness that's happening, which is absolutely fair enough. I hope you're all okay and safe and warm and dry and I will see you next week. huge love and see you then on. Yeah. Cheers! Have a great weekend. Cheers! I don't know.